Senin, 03 Maret 2008

Test: Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader ?

Hayoo... ngaku lebih pinter dari anak kelas lima? Coba tes hitungan sederhana ini:

Are you smarter than a 5th grader? The challenge is on -

Can you open the attached spreadsheet ?

This is a real 5th grade math problem. If you can open the spreadsheet, you'll see that only a small list of people( older than 5th graders) have gotten the correct answer. This is not a trick question. This is a real math problem so don't say that a bus has no legs.
There are 7 girls in a bus.
Each girl has 7 backpacks.
In each backpack, there are 7 big cats.
For every big cat, there are 7 little cats.
Question: How many legs are there in the bus?
The number of legs is the password to unlock the excel spreadsheet.
If you open it, add your name to the list and send it on to see who else can unlock it.

Good Luck!

PS: my name is already on the list.. :D

29 komentar:

  1. seorang lulusan UCLA pun harus takluk sama anak2 sd

  2. kalo kata ibuku dulu... "kamu itu ndak teliti orangnya", hehehe... tapi manusia itu berubah toh...? kekekek... i'm below you, mbak... :P

  3. gak bisa buka attachment.....:(

  4. jangan - jangan karena passwordnya salah.. ayo, coba lagiii...!

  5. coba teruss mona....itung pelan - pelan.. :D

  6. Opened it, so I am pretty sure there is at least one five grader that I am smarter than - maybe even two?

  7. Selamat.. buat Randurini, Mas Eko, dan Jens.. ! :)

  8. aku udah berhasil :)
    dan berhasil bikin bingung suami hehehe...
    tapi ga lama dia juga bisa jawab

  9. huehhehe.. pake acara dikasi bocoran gak?

  10. di daftar Listnya....Mbak Hida yang ke 101 ya namanya.... :)
    ada EG Giwangkara S di urutan ke 100.....
    sisanya bule semua.....

  11. setelah aku ada randurini, jens, dll... masing2 attach di blognya (If you open it, add your name to the list and send it on to see who else can unlock it.)

    , kan aturan mainnya gitu .. gitu, Mas Otje.. jadi gak bener tuh bule semua **

  12. Selamat Rahmaat.. masih lama kan, di Jogja?

  13. aku masih kelas 4 jeee...
    tapi tak coba...

    tapi tolong diterjemahin dulu...

  14. 2 x 7 + 7 x 7 x 7 x 4 = 14 + 1372 = 1386 salah ya, wong ngawur.

  15. wegah, marai mumet, enakan ....

  16. [2x7]+[4x7]+[4x7x7]....
    berapa yaaa......

  17. itung dulu siapa saja yang punya Leg..

  18. terbuka jugah...
    dibantu sama xiao-mei, my roommates
