Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Jack Madrid, Multiply.com Country Manager for the Philippines menjawab

Kopipas ya..

Last week Multiply.com’s CEO, Stefan Magdalinski, posted a letter on the site announcing that they would be removing the social networking functions of the site (blogging, photo sharing, etc) to pave the way for the complete transformation of Multiply into an e-commerce platform. Locally the news was met mostly with sadness since Filipinos are known to be very sentimental but in Indonesia the reception to the news was much worse. Apparently a lot of Multiply users in Indonesia were active users of the social networking capabilities of the site.

Jack Madrid, Multiply.com Country Manager for the PH
The announcement left a lot of questions up in the air, especially on what should we expect from Multiply.com moving forward. That’s why we grabbed the opportunity to to sit down and talk with Jack Madrid, Multiply.com Country Manager for the Philippines. During our discussion we talked about why the transformation came about, the reaction of the Multiply community to the announcement, and what can we expect from Multiply.com in the coming months. We broke up the interview into three short chunks for easier viewing and you can watch them all below.

Silakan menuju tautan diatas bagi yang penasaran dan ingin mencermati videonya.. :)

25 komentar:

  1. sodarasodara.. kalau mau misuh basa inggris langsung ke sana saja ya.. naa kalau mau misuh basa yang lain di sini juga boleh.. :D

  2. Sipp.. udah ninggalin jejak misuh di sana.

    Yang lainnya, mari kita serbu.

  3. pokoknya kita digusur! MP akan dibuat e-commerce friendly..

  4. rawe rawe rantas malang malang putung, mayan entuk panganan anyar

  5. Bawa sampah sebanyak-banyaknya..!

  6. Huu.. nek ndelok modele ketoke rada turunan Raden mas Endhokusumo Martoklepat..
    Ngeles terus..

  7. Meluncur sik yo. Matur nuwun, mbak Hida.

  8. Mereka sudah berencana sejak 2 tahun yang lalu! Kita mentah2 dikadalin sama Pez.

  9. sami-sami.. thx kronologisnya juga Mbak Irma..

  10. woo.. pantesan nganggo bedil.. sing turunan RM Endhokusumo ki Jek Madrid sakkoncone kui lho..

  11. Iya.. itulah, itulah..
    Di-kumpeni-in lagi ni kita...

  12. Jadi pertanyaan yang harus kita semua jawab sekarang, apakah masih mau dikadalin lagi? Banyak yang memilih untuk membayar mereka lo demi supaya fitur ngeblog tetap ada.

  13. bayangin Pez yang lagi mesem2 dengan penuh kemenangan :-(
